Capacity Based Business

For gentle, sensitive, soulful entrepreneurs & practitioners who want to embody more of their potential and build their business inline with listening to their body, nervous system ease & capacity!
Join me on 19th February 2025.
From totally free to flexible donation based mini capacity retreat.

Let’s learn to build & grow our businesses from & within our capacity versus only from the place of ambitious desires, visions & goals.
I invite your to rewire how you build and show up in business!
In our business culture, there’s a glorification of quantum leaps, rapid implementation, linear and constant growth.
Yet rarely do we discuss how to tend, manage and even notice what is our honest & actual capacity for such growth & embodiment.
We all want to have entreprenurial business success asap but it’s a very different story how your body relates to that success, to your work or your business identity.
Our ideas, desires and visions live in ether and it has a limitless capacity, quantum speed but our body capacity is limited.
There’s what you want and need, and then there’s how your body experiences it. Without congruence between the two, things won’t happen, work, or flow.
I want you to learn building your business with body led & aligned capacity—enabling you to handle more of your business with gentleness, at your own pace, without crashing, pushing, sabotaging, hiding, or freezing.

We are not machines – we are cyclic beings of nature.
And our capacity is cyclic too.
In this mini capacity retreat…
We will cover the following topics.
🌿 The difference between Industrial Revolution work mindset and capacity based business growth approach.
🌿 Manifestation versus embodiment approach: what it means to build business from your capacity versus from the place of desires & goals.
🌿 How to know what is your capacity and when you are out of capacity. How to honour & consider it.
🌿 How to recognize your capacity edge & learn how your body communicates it.
🌿 Nervous system role.
🌿 Practical excercise & meditation.

Practical Information and agenda:
Please bring a notebook and set yourself up for entering the portal of your own sanctuary – you can make tea for yourself, light a candle and have a soft pillow or blanket at hand so you feel super cosy and ready to allow your body some relaxation and reflection time. Let your body receive this information and expreience from the relaxed & present state instead of rushed consumption.
LIVE event will take place on February 19, 2025.
3.00 – 4.30PM Tbilisi time (check your time zone with Tbilisi, Georgia time zone since I am located there).
Recording will be available!
This webinar is set for a flexible contribution. I open my heart, I trust you and your integrity to send me your heart appreciation that feels right. You can also join completely free!