Capacity Path is an advanced super-level business growth immersion for entrepreneurs who want to expand their capacity to to create, receive, handle more and build business from their heart essence and with ease, flow and joy!



Capacity Path is very authentic space to ground your dreams, desires and potential into existence from the place of profound spaciousness, ease and inline with your nervous system growth. It’s a very unique container to step into your bigger entrepreneurial shoes, rewire how you work, and practise new ways of working with each other while also being in integrity with our authentic true nature.

It’s very exclusive, high frequency, advanced level immersion for new business paradigm pioneers who want to level up, grow, or ground very strong business foundations with ease, gentleness and body led flow.

 Invest in Yourself

What’s the worst that can happen when you take a chance on yourself?

 Join if you want to increase your capacity to hold, handle and receive more, if you want to step into your bigger purpose and crack out from the shell that keeps you stuck or small, if you want to lead your purpose boldly and in a way that doesn’t feel like a slog. And they understand that personal growth is paramount to easeful and aligned business growth.


Let’s Stay Connected!