Soft Power.
Ambitious self leadership.
Bold Change.

My mission is to make this world a more welcoming place for sensitive, gentle, and big-hearted souls. I want them to not only belong here but thrive, create & powerfully lead their movement! 

Because the earth needs more sensitive, caring souls to be brave enough to stand uncompromisingly in their power and unleash their sacred path, their magnificence & heart medicine to the world. We live in the prominent times where earth demands us to come out of the closet and step into our bigger shoes we meant to walk in.


Welcome to my Business, Capacity & Leadership Sanctuary space

built for….

Gentle & ambitious new world leaders, visionaries, pioneers who know they are made for more & want to lead their purposeful business courageously but with ease, flow, & integrity of the heart.

For soulful & social entrepreneurs who want to build business that matters but with better & bigger capacity beyond the hustle culture, extraction of self & compromise of personal well-being.

Beautiful soul, do we have our values & focus aligned?

🍃 You would love to rewire, heal and shift from “Industrial” business paradigm mindset to heart and inspired by nature’s principles business growing approach. Regenerative business is your goal.

 🍃 You understand that personal growth & self liberation is paramount of your business growth, that building your business is the path of your becoming & you desire to step into your expansion, bigger potential, multidimensionality and what is possible.

🍃 You deeply care about humanity, collective consciousness, society structures, our nature, and tomorrow of future generations. You want to step into your part of contribution full heartedly, claim the gift of your medicine and lead your heart movement boldly.

🍃 Prosperity topic & rewiring how we hold & distribute wealth is also totally on your agenda.  

🍃 You realise the depth of capacity based business growth approach & soft power, gentle leadership impact.

🍃You would like to build business with ease, fun, flow, integrity and in alignment of your nature & expansive nervous system while becoming a LEADER you WOULD LOVE to be instead of what you were told you SHOULD BE.

If it is a yes, here are ways to join my world!

“New Business Paradigm” Podcast


“The TEMPLE Path” membership & community

“The RISE”
Self leadership mastermind immersion

I want to do everything only from the “Soft Power” place now because everything else is simply not sustainable.
Mer Perchersky

Hi, I’m Elaira

I am paradigm shifter, rebel, visionary, seer with extrasensory abilities, psychologist, healer of old & architect of new business approach, trauma informed somatic & nervous system mentor, capacity based business growth creator and pioneer of the soft power & gentle leadership movement.

What People Say

What a great experience and journey! Refreshing, sharp, honest, grounded, intuitive, empowering and absolutely wonderful- just a few words that come to mind when thinking of Elaira. She is fantastic at asking the right questions, at guiding you to the root of things and at holding space. Elaira supported me in finding clarity on certain topics, in connecting dot’s and in re-discovering powerful parts of myself. The coaching sessions were the best investment in myself I made in a very long time. Thank you, Elaira!

Ilse Hemmelmayr, Specialist, Health Programs;
Special Olympics Europe/Eurasia

Elaira is a true role model for this time. She owns and radiates her authenticity, loving presence, vulnerability, intuition and depth.

Every interaction with Elaira is magic made real. She transfers knowledge and wisdoms through gentle and powerful inspirations. Working with her feels safe like in mother’s arms, then I have the courage and determination to face my deepest fears and dare to dream and create the life I always wanted. Elaira has the profound ability to guide, each step at a time and aways from that space of my own inner love and strength, within which practical solutions rises naturally.

I couldn’t recognize my life after working with her several months in different formats. Witnessing my life long challenges slowly and steadily melting away is truly a miracle and gift life offers through Elaira. And I’m full of excitement stepping into the new challenges and adventures as my capacity grow.

Elaira made me understood in my bones that all sustainable changes can only come from love, in line with nature and who we truly are.

I’m enterally grateful for Elaira for what she gives and who she is.


Mer Pechersky;