Human Design Consultation

Your life changes in profound ways, when you make choices from deep self-knowledge and true authenticity.
What is Human Design?
It is your energetic signature with specific gifts, talents and attributes you came here to share in your life, relationships, career and business. It’s a precise map and user guide which shows how you are designed to relate with the world, and how your unique inner guide system operates.
It is futuristic, complex and very advanced system which synthesizes ancient wisdom with modern science. It blends information from the Chinese I’Ching, the Hindu-Brahmin Chakras, The Tree of Life from the Zohar/Kabbalist tradition, Astrology together with the contemporary scientific disciplines such as Quantum Mechanics, Astronomy, Genetics and Biochemistry. There is over 28 years of empirical evidence, mathematical correlations and a statistical database gathered through surveying almost 8 million individuals.
While a lot of personality tools compare how you fit to the norm and are based on your subjective answers from the mind, Human Design shows how unique, different and special you are including your conscious and subconscious parts of you. There are millions variations of Human Design.
Why Human Design and why now?
We are in a major transition, society is crumbling. Sooner or later you will be forced to look within for the answers because we are shifting away from external authority and becoming more self-directed.
Since our Uranian mutation in 1781, humans have been wrapped up in the so-called “Cross of Planning” which is all about community, leadership, loyalty, and strategy, and where the key focus was on creating and improving supportive societal structures. But you may have noticed lately that the old structures, institutions, and agreements (social, political, financial, educational, health care systems, etc) are starting to come apart on a collective and global level.
In 2027 the planet and humanity will transition to a new cross, so-called “Cross of sleeping Phoenix”, where none of the tribal energies work. For the last 400 years, humans have relied on governments, organizations, logic, and strategy, but those structures are falling away, leaving the individual to determine their destiny without the oppressions of institutions. In essence, humanity is moving towards a massive tipping point and the way we relate & exchange is changing.
Our future focus is shifting towards self-empowerment, authenticity, self-sufficiency, innate gifts, and uniqueness. In order to have the kind of stability that you need to thrive in the new era of individuality, you must become a sovereign individual. Or as Ra Uru Hu put it, you must “differentiate” yourself as the individual that you are and live from the truth of your design. That requires knowing how you are wired and trust in your inner decision-making authority. In other words, you are invited to know yourself deeply in a way who you were born to be before the world told you who and how to be. Human Design can give you that blueprint and great guidance towards that direction.
Where to get your Human Design bodygraph?
You can generate it HERE and download a pdf file. It’s for free.
Also, you can download the free Myhumandesign app where you can listen to some good foundations about your profile basics for free.
Understanding your Human Design
It’s a very extensive tool and you can’t really fully grasp it with your mind, especially not all at once. You need to really embody it to see the true value. That’s why I suggest to break down the assimilation of the information into several stages. You can book different sessions with me below.
Key Foundations

Covers Essential Information
How your energy works (Type & Strategy). How are you here to express and manifest yourself in the world?
Decision Making Strategy. How your body is wired to make the right decision for you.
Key indicators. How do you know you are on track or off track in life.
PHS (your primary health system). Your digestion & right environment.
How you assimilate information. How you understand and digest information and what you’re taking in from the world around you.

Shadows & Distractions
9 Functions. Specific information, energy hubs you have access to and broadcast to others.
Your shadows/distractions. Your biggest areas of conditioning, aspects that take you off track, distract you and waste your energy and time.
P.S. If your are deeply living in conditioning and not self, in can be hard to relate to your gifts. I highly suggest to have this session before you have the 3rd option session.

Your Life Path & Core Strengths
Strengths, Core Traits, Qualities and Contributions. Overall totality of you. Your unique gifts you bring to this world.
Life’s Work. When you let go of what you are not and start to live your innate design, your life purpose unfolds for you naturally, you kind of wake up in it.
Profile / Public Role. How others see and relate to you and how you live your life path.
Your Key Success Indicators.
How to approach it?
Option 1 “Deep Dive Journey package”
If your aim is to get elaborate knowledge of your Human Design, I would suggest taking the “deep dive journey” with 3 sessions that cover the most relevant information:
- Key foundations session – how your energy & personality are wired, how you manifest, relate with life, and how to make the right decisions for you.
- Shadows and distractions session – what you can rely on and what are your sensitive areas and openness for conditioning. What is your school of life?
- Your life path and core gifts session – what are your top 4 innate gifts and what is your life path is all about.
I will include some tailored practical exercises for you and recordings of the sessions. I would recommend having some time intervals in between for integrating information. The most common practice by people is a gap of 1 or 2 weeks.
3 sessions structure: Each session is 1.15 hours long. The 1-hour session itself and 15min for questions and homework instructions.
Suggested price range: anything between 100 and 250 euro for each session (including 21% VAT). You choose & decide. If you pay more, you simply allow for others who can’t afford it at this moment to pay less. I trust we take care of each other this way. This suggested price is for preparing and analyzing your chart, session itself, and recording.
Extra materials: If you would like me to prepare and receive a presentation too (highly recommend), please let me know in advance and contribute accordingly extra. Suggestion: 25 – 35 euro.
Option 2 “Intuitive Human Design Consultation”
If you aim to have one general consultation, I suggest booking an intuitively tailored session for you and I will summarize the most important content based on where you are and what you need the most right now in your life based on your input.
1 session – 2 hours long.
Suggested price range: anything between 200 and 350 euro (including 21% VAT). You choose & decide. If you pay more, you simply allow for others who can’t afford it at this moment to pay less. I trust we take care of each other this way. This suggested price is for preparing and analyzing your chart, session itself, and recording.
Extra materials: If you would like me to prepare and receive a presentation too (highly recommend), please let me know in advance and contribute accordingly extra. Suggestion: 25 – 35 euro.

About Me
For several years, I was immersing in Human Design knowledge and investigating its’ practical, hands on implementations. I studied it formally with BG5 Business Institute and a lot of time my obsessive inner geek spent with books, videos & additional courses.
Sometimes it feels that I live & breath this system, and I would like to trust that I have found the best ways to convey what’s relevant for you.
There are more and more people who can help you understand Human Design and I suggest choosing what feels right to you. Here is my blog about “How to choose the right Human Design consultant”.