Nervous System Foundations Program
Self paced educational & practical embodiment programmeThe Nervous System Foundations Program is a deep dive into the inner workings of the most fundamental system in your body that governs your behavior.

During this educational and practical embodiment programme you will learn how to gently observe the way your nervous system interacts in your daily life and in your business.
As you become more aware, you will naturally start to heal broken pathways, release built-up charge and dissolve blocked energy that are causing you to repeat limiting patterns and dysfunctional behaviour resulting from trauma, clearing the slate for you to be as you are today, rather than stuck in a loop of a past version of yourself always coming across the same stumbling blocks.
And yes, this is totally possible for everyone, just by becoming aware!
It will liberate you to create space for your desires to come to fruition and rewire your behaviour so you can increase your capacity to receive more of what you want and love, as well as take on challenges in your business and life with more ease.

“Elaira has a frequency that makes you feel very safe and held, allowing you to embrace your authenticity with the respect and honour you need for each process.”
Karina Czapla, 2022
Understand the Bedrock of Your Decision Making
Your nervous system capacity is the key to your expansion, and here’s why…
Your nervous system governs everything: your immune system, your blood circulation, your endocrine system, your emotions, your muscles towards action or no action, your digestive system, and your brain pathways.
It’s the main guardian of your embodiment, functioning, and survival in this world. And it constantly scans everything through only one lens: is it safe and is there a threat? Everything you do involuntarily in your body is first and foremost happening to help you SURVIVE, but it’s not necessarily happening to help you THRIVE.
And this is where the key conflict often happens: you want to do it all, build your ambitious plans and grow fast, but if your nervous system doesn’t have the capacity for it, it perceives all of that as a threat to your safety and survival. It is very intelligent system with a very beautiful mission. You can’t really bullshit it! And if you don’t listen to it, it will “put the foot down”!
If you ignore your nervous system capacity and signals, it may feel like you have one foot on the gas while the other is on the break.
This is where you get stuck, sabotage yourself, your projects, your growth, relationships and opportunitites.
Becoming aware of the activity of your nervous system, even amidst the most intense feelings of charge or trigger, gives you the key to unlock the best kept secret in your business and life.
You can create bigger flexibility to hold both ends of the spectrum of your range of experience: pleasure, ease, safety and peace as well as pain, contraction, limitations and triggers.
It’s so simple to shift when you have the right tools and guidance and, most importantly, the support to come to deeper embodiment by learning how to regulate your nervous system and change limiting behavioural patterns you may not even be aware you have.
Noticing them is all it takes to start changing them.

Learning to listen to your body and to your sense via which the nervous system speaks with you all the time is the essence of NERVOUS SYSTEM CAPACITY work.

You will be supported every step of the journey.
Let me invite you into my sanctuary…
Deeply Healing Nature
Weekly released, super-powerful transmissions of information and eductional material.
The bulk of the Nervous System Foundations Program is based on pre-recorded material, including five super-powerful “transmissions” of information and educational material that contains an energetic signature of a deeply healing nature. So you will receive the tools you need but you will also receive more than that.
Content will be released weekly via your online MemberPress portal and you will be invited to comment and ask me questions in real-time, giving a LIVE quality to your journey.
I am here to welcome you into the sanctuary I have created so you can dive to the depth you need in order to make fundamental shifts in how you show up in your life and business. Let’s break through those old blockages together!
5 Modules with 90 Minute Recorded Video Sessions
Practical Exercises, Assignments, Educational Materials, Tools & Recorded Embodiment Tracks
Q&A Within Elaira’s Sanctuary Space to Overcome Road Blocks & Find Clairty
Lifetime Access to the Online Sanctuary Portal
Let’s break through those old blockages together!

“The information she shared with us, combined with Elaira’s presence, led to so many aha-moments and deepest realizations. I feel I’m more aware and balanced, and shifts keep occurring, as if I opened a box of goodies and they keep coming. Amazing!”
Beata Imans, 2022
Module One
How our nervous system works and understanding the 4Fs response mechanisms (fight, flight, freeze and fawn)
In this first module we will learn about how charged states operate in our day-to-day lives so we can have more control over our reactions and more space for relaxation.
Many of us work and create from an unregulated nervous system and trauma response. And for the most part we don’t even realize. Over time it becomes such a familiar state of being that we come to perceive it as normal. In the meantime, the trauma response becomes an identity in itself…
- But maybe you are not a workaholic or a super busy person trying to build a perfect life and perfect self; maybe you are just hiding under a flight response to regulate yourself and avoid feeling what needs to be felt or being with your pain…
- Maybe you are not an overachiever or a “strong” person who has a warrior spirit constantly; maybe you are just functioning from a fight response because you actually don’t feel safe to be vulnerable and relaxed…
- Maybe you are not a lazy, procrastinating “couch potato” and maybe that judgment is not needed. Maybe you not being able to move into action and to get anything done is just your body overwhelmed and triggered into the nervous system’s freeze response…
- Maybe your mission to help people, putting their needs first at the cost of draining yourself is not who you actually are; maybe you are just not aware you are functioning from a chronic fawning response…
Module Two
Triggers, Over-Coupling & How to Deal With a Charge
Over-coupling is when a situation in the now triggers the memory of a distressing past experience. Any charge you did not process in that moment gets stored in the body so it can find its way out when you have the capacity to release it.
The body is so intelligent and systematic in this way. The challenge is dealing with the charge that builds up in your body as a result of not being safe or able to express the emotions or nervous system responses that you wanted to in the original moment of distress.
When you become triggered, the amount of energy coming out can become overwhelming for you and the other people present. Suddenly your colleague who is being a little unfair feels the same to your body as your abusive parent, for example. They are not the same thing but your triggered nervous system is reading them as so.
In this module, we learn to recognise over-coupling as it happens and find safe ways to deal with your own charge without having to unnecessarily blame others or lash out but instead receive the support you need to let it go.
Module 3
Nervous System Co-Regulation & Dysregulation
When our nervous system is dysregulated we often continue further in that direction. Someone who is very busy will take on more out of habit and eventually become sick so they can rest, for example. Coming back into our body and feeling more can at first feel very uncomfortable because we are not familiar with the state of relaxation it invites.
In this module, we look at how some people and situations in our lives can make us even more dysregulated, while some help us come to balance. We will look at coping mechanisms (such as eating certain foods, watching TV, using internet, socialising, using alcohol, etc) and the fine line between them being helpful or unhealthy.
We will discuss ways to have more much-needed self-care. There is no one size fits all answer so again it is about becoming aware of your tendencies and being honest and curious about how they affect you, with the aim of finding more balance and identifying ways to co-regulate with healthy others and move out of unhealthy environments or habits you have been using to survive until now. This creates powerful shifts in behaviour!
Module 4
A guide to Different Practises Available in the Market for Healing the Nervous System
There are many techniques and practitioners out there who can help you with the release of your built-up nervous system charge and stored trauma. This module gives a taste of healing practises and features a live example of somatic experience integration with special guest Caroline Thompson.
Module 5
Nervous System Capacity, Boundaries & Finding Safety
In this final module, we will look at the emotional landscape of our nervous system and how it deals with stressful or pressurising situations. Why is it challenging to set boundaries with certain people? What is guilt? How do we release stored-up anger and so-called negative emotions? How can we stop taking on what isn’t ours to hold so we feel lighter? This module will sum up all the ground we have covered in the program and give you a chance to reflect on how far you have come over the five-week process.

“The opportunities and ways of doing business coming to me are now starting to reflect the new found level of self-respect I have, thanks to working with Elaira. To call her a catalyst for more healthy, balanced business is an understatement; she will affect your whole life in a potent and magical way, so get ready for the ride! I’m sure you will be surprised by how much can change in a short time in ways you may not have imagined.”
Bryony Perkins, 2022
Heal and learn to regulate your nervous system.
Expand your capacity, expand your business by setting the strong foundations for your deeper embodiment!
You can’t drive the car if you don’t know how it works first. Gain awareness, know how to listen, understand and manage the guard keeper for your embodiment!

This self paced program is for you if:
• You are ready for expansion but you want to approach it differently.
• You are ready to listen to your body, be in loving relationship with it and generally feel more relaxed.
• You are tired of pushing yourself too hard and feeling depleted and burnt out.
• You know you can handle more and are ready to respond to challenges with tender, softening resilience.
• You are ready to experience more pleasure and joy in your life!
• You are tired of keeping a charge stored in your body and living in an internal war zone and instead want to release it and come back to ease, calmness & safety.
• You want to take off that armour and release the tendency to toughen up and/or blame others when you feel triggered.
• You want to claim that rooted centeredness, and act in alignment with your true energetic frequency instead of your nervous system coping strategies and spiralling dysregulation tendencies.
• You want to handle conflict and challenge that can occur in creative collaborations with more spaciousness and ease.
• You don’t want to hide anymore in order to protect yourself.
• You want to be able to hold and handle your growth edges, know how to really manage your growing pains and boundaries, and to recognize the charge in your body and regulate yourself.

“Big shifts for me: being able to feel in my body whether I’m resisting or not the work that I’m about to do and opening up for new ways of expressing myself creatively. I wrote a poem for the first time after my teenage years and divorced from the abusive relationship that I had with my business.”
Annemie Magdaleen, 2022
Yes, I want to register and join!
There are several options fo financial exchange. Please note that all sales are final. No refunds will be available once you make your purchase and register. After payment, you will receive a welcome email and an invitation to create a password for a Member Press account (using the same email you put for the billing). Member Press is a portal where your content for the Nervous System Program will be released on a weekly basis. I also accept cryptocurrencies. Contact su*****@el********.com and we will arrange that.

€250 for 2 months
€500 full
€167 for 3 months
Please note that all payments are final. No refunds or replacement will be available once you make your purchase and register. We also accept crypto currencies.
Contact su*****@el********.com in case of questions.
The Powerful Transformation Others Have Experienced…
Not sure if you’re ready for the program, but want a sneak peek into what the nervous system is all about? Check out my 1-hour introductory webinar!
This webinar is 1-hour introductory explanation about how our nervous system works and 4Fs (Fight, Flight, Freeze and Fawn).
Frequently Asked Questions…
I have already done some work on healing and educating myself about my nervous system. How is this different?
While there is a lot of educational material included in this program, the live session recordings also contain the deeply healing frequency that I naturally transmit, so as well as receiving practical guidance you will start to feel physical shifts just by doing nothing other than engaging with the material in this program. My sessions, whether recorded or live are as much a transmission of frequency as they are the giving of information, so you will receive both. The live sessions also contain many guided embodiment practices so you will tangibly feel you receive information through your body and not only mentally. The body is where real change in your world occurs and gets integrated from your mental, spiritual and emotional planes so a lot of focus is put there in this program and in my work in general.
As a pre-recorded program, what level of live interaction will there be when I join?
Every module has Q&A section at the end of it where you can interact with me on your own pace. You will be invited to ask me questions live, as they come up for you in real time, and receive my responses to guide and support you as you deepen your experience of yourself and regulate your nervous system, which will change your practical reality.
We are also building other options to connect with the community and people who finished this course.
How much time will it require?
It is up to you to take hold of what I call your self-leadership capacity and decide. The video material is released weekly through your online portal and lasts 1.5 hours. I recommend 15-30 minutes either side of watching the call to prepare/integrate/journal (creating a cosy cocoon space for yourself to absorb what you need).
You will also receive additional educational information and embodiment tracks plus some self enquiry directions from the video sessions to focus on that week.
So a minimum of three hours a week is a good starting point, and can be extended depending on how much you choose to deepen. I recommend to take your own pace and have enough time for integration.
Why I recommend to start with this program before your engage deeper into my capacity work?
This program has a strong healing focus and it is part of my signature capacity work which also encourages you to change your behaviour in very practical ways.
I believe it’s essential and foundational to learn how to regulate and heal your nervous system first before taking next steps in your expansion inline with nervous system growth. In my experience, just after that you can start working on and building your nervous system resilience to thrive and be able to expand and hold more.
You can’t build a solid house on rotten foundations. You can’t skip steps, cheat your body and expand with ease and joy if your body holds a lot unprocessed charge, trauma and is at the edge of burnout or your capacity to handle stress. You will always be redirected back by your body to address that first.
This program also gives essential toolkit to understand your personal process of embodiment, how to treat your body as a temple and how it communicates with you.
This is a foundational driving force and a bedrock for all other capacities for easful, pleasurable and aligned growth of your business and yourself.