Our nervous system functions same way as nature: in polarity!

by | Dec 23, 2022 | Blog, Nervous System Capacity (blog)


When you breath in, you need to breath out; after winter comes a spring; after activation to stress (sympathetic nervous system) you need to recover and recharge in rest (parasympathetic nervous system).

Sadly, our old business paradigm is built a lot to sustain you only in activated state because it has needed benefits for profit driven corporations: mobilized action & “productivity” state. Which is nothing wrong in itself, the problem appears when it’s only preferred, glorified and allowed state. It literally burns you because it is on the override! That’s why we have societies with chronically increased coffee consumption, high rates of burnouts and dissociated, disembodied humans struggling with anxiety.

Business world is waking up, it’s healing, it’s rising from our hearts, wellbeing and wholeness. Which means it is built from the contrasting energetics and different place!

When you are relaxed and feel safe, more of the energy can flow through your body and all organs. People can sense your energy better because you are more in the body. From this place actions rise with flow, calmness and ease. This is where your creative energy flourish and thrive too. This is where more aligned actions come from because you can feel all of your senses, emotions, and get input from all your bodily signals.

The new business paradigm is built from the balanced, embodied place, with attunement of bodily signals, bodily led decisions and honouring its cycles. Not from your constantly activated, adrenalized nervous system and unprocessed trauma response.

That’s why nervous system regulation is absolutely essential and foundational capacity. That’s my number 1 capacity to go to constantly to breath everything through in the building business process.

I personally believe it’s almost a must to gain deeper understanding about it and build relational capacity with your body if you want to build business from the place of ease, flow and deeper alignment.

Architect of New Business Paradigm

I support your capacity to build the business you want with ease, joy and flow.

Inner work is probably one of the most challenging works you will ever do in your life but it’s the most rewarding one. My professional life journey contains certified psychology degrees and about 18 years’ professional experience in talent development, building businesses, and various Human Resources positions. In all of these capacities, my favorite work has always been having powerful conversations that help people go deeper, connect with their truth, challenge their perspectives and unleash their innate potential.

Because if you are not being who you are, who are you being?

I share insights and discoveries from my own journeys but as well from people I support and help to grow. I hope you enjoy this “Caffeine for Soul” blog and it gives you some food for thought.

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