Key secret that shifted my business from being hard work to efficient & easeful growth to hold more

by | Aug 6, 2023 | Blog, Capacity Work (blog), Nervous System Capacity (blog)

I want to tell you a secret of business growth that no business strategies tell you. Maybe not so popular opinion but the thing that shifted my business fundamentally.

If you struggle to grow your business, feel stuck, not clear on the next steps or at your capacity to hold it all, stop grasping the control by DOING even more.It’s not the way which will get you to the next level, most likely to the burnout, that for sure yes. Believe me, I am telling from personal experience too.

Trying to do more is just your nervous system trying to cope. It’s just a pointer that your need for controlling external circumstances is a sign that you lost the control internally. 

Spaciousness is key!

What I figured out that actually what will get you to true aligned action, clarity and easeful growth is inviting more spaciousness and slowness in your agenda.

Creating longer “in between the action and doing” space for breathing, just being, reflecting, nourishing and integrating…

I know it sounds counterintuitive, we are so afraid “not to do anything”. I hear from my clients so much shame around it. And if you feel the trigger rising just by reading this invitation, you should definitely slow down.

I am telling you this is where my biggest business alignment, foundation for the quantum leaps, expansion of my capacity and actually the most easeful productivity happened.

More I grow my business, more spaciousness and just being I need to create for myself. More I create that for myself, more the magnetic. super efficient and easeful ways literally just happen:

💥Clients come out of nowhere…
💥Inspiration and creativity finds it’s way with way more lightness…
💥Clarity for next steps unfolds…
💥Bonds and connections feels stronger, deeper, nicer because there is more space for that…
💥Business feels more easeful, joyous and juicy…

Watch my podcast about New Business Paradigm features HERE!

Architect of New Business Paradigm

I support your capacity to build the business you want with ease, joy and flow.

Inner work is probably one of the most challenging works you will ever do in your life but it’s the most rewarding one. My professional life journey contains certified psychology degrees and about 18 years’ professional experience in talent development, building businesses, and various Human Resources positions. In all of these capacities, my favorite work has always been having powerful conversations that help people go deeper, connect with their truth, challenge their perspectives and unleash their innate potential.

Because if you are not being who you are, who are you being?

I share insights and discoveries from my own journeys but as well from people I support and help to grow. I hope you enjoy this “Caffeine for Soul” blog and it gives you some food for thought.

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