We were conditioned to grow businesses fast, reach the peaks, grasp every opportunity and then go for next leap right away. What I noticed when I fell for this conditioning myself, it’s like the unwritten rule of success in the old business paradigm: faster, more, bigger!
And then we skip the pauses, taking time to just breathe, and even if we go on vacation or do self care practices, we still think about work.
We don’t let ourselves to rest or disconnect fully because our parasympathetic nervous system (rest, recharge, integration time) is not encouraged or even considered as part of “building business”.
The thing is, the root of it has some unhealed trauma response elements: somewhere deep down not trusting that success is guaranteed for you, some scarcity feeling to grasp “as much food as possible” right away.
That’s why being constantly in active doing (activated sympathetic nervous system state) is glorified and encouraged much more in our society. It has been great for the greedy corporations.

Being in active mode is not bad, this is how we get things done. Don’t get me wrong, it’s ok if you can hold the growth speed like that. But in my own experience when you do business like this and don’t allow breaks and integration when it needs to happen, it’s almost inevitable that you will experience burnout or reach your capacity cap of growth, sooner or later.
The problem I see with this, is that it feels like only taking action is considered as “building business”. And I want to invite so much more inclusion of just BEING in your business and with your business. Because actually this is what lays the foundation for your “doing”!
Your doing in business stems from your way of being! Your business rises from your becoming.
This is such a huge and important part of successful, sustainable business with ease, fun and flow.
- Allowing to rest is so good for the money.
- Allowing spaciousness is so good for your creativity.
- Allowing the uncertainty & unclarity in your body the time it needs without pushing it is so good for your aligned business strategy.
- Integration time after big seasons, launched, projects is so good to go even deeper in your roots where your next steps are revealed.
- You taking sabbatical for 2 years to heal and rest is becoming the leader of the heart based business you want.
All those things above are inevitable and often essential parts of building your business!
So let me ask you all who are frustrated with where you are currently are at your business, those who hammer yourself that you are not successful yet.What’s the rush? Especially, when you’re build your life’s work? And how about the nurtured slow kind of love as a way to build your business? Slow marketing? How about building business inline with your body capacity to hold the expansion where you don’t grill your nervous system? And how about allowing the seeds to grow in the timing it needs?
You can’t rush a flower to bloom. It’s the same with every business – it has its unique way of blooming and time of unfolding. How about we embrace the beauty of slowness and focus on building a feeling good in our business instead of rushing to have it all?